a Window, reminds us that Understanding (Hé being the letter of the Mother in Tetragrammaton) is the means by which the Light reaches us. The gap between the two strokes is the window.
[See ה]
Many adepts throughout the ages have sought to do this; but their words have been perverted by their successors, and again and again the Veil has fallen upon the Holy of Holies.
The Daughter of the Firmament. The Dweller between the Waters.
777: XIII The Paths of the Sepher Yetzirah
Natural Intelligence
777: CLXXXI Correct Design of Tarot Trumps.
The figure of a water-nymph disporting herself.
A woman, naked, and kneeling onher left knee, pours from a vase in her right hand silver waters into a river, by which grow roses, the haunts of coloured butterfiles. With her left hand she pours golden waters over her head, which are lost in her long hair. Her attitude suggests the Swastika. Above flashes a great star of seven rays.