And thou shalt be adept in things occult.
a Nail (shape directly hieroglyphic) suggests the fixation of the Supernals in Tiphereth.
The Sun.
The Son is but the Son.
[a secret name follows]
Also is the Star of the Flame exalted, bringing benediction to the universe.
The Reconciler [ו of הוהי] above.
The Son (Priest)
8°=3 Asar as Bull
The Forthcoming of the Hierophant.
Offer thyself Virgin to the Knowledge and Conversation of thine Holy Guardian Angel! All else is a snare. Be thou athlete with the eight limbs of Yoga; for without these thou are not disciplined for any fight.
But certain men heard and understood, and through them shall this Knowledge be made known.
Nevertheless it is written; for there be times of darkness, and this as a lamp therein.
And because there is no life therein, the guardians of the abyss shall bid the angels of the winds pass by. And the angels shall lay thy dust in the City of the Pyramids, and the name thereof shall be no more.
777: VII The Heavens of Assiah - English
777: XIII The Paths of the Sepher Yetzirah
Triumphal or Eternal One
Red orange
Deep indigo
Deep warm olive
Rich brown
king scale queen scale emperor scale empress scale
777: CLXXX Title of Tarot Trumps
The Magus of the Eternal.
777: CLXXXI Correct Design of Tarot Trumps.
Between the Pillars sits an Ancient. He is crowned, sceptred, and blessing all in a threefold manner. Four living creatures adore him, the whole suggesting a pentagram by its shape.